Year: 2022

Athletics day

Hello Everyone,

On Tuesday the 25th of October The whole school years 1-8 went to Rawhiti Domain for Athletics. There is 5 field events and 2 running events the field events are Shot put, High jump, Discus and Long Jump, The running events are Long distance and Sprints. The long distance is 1000m or 1 km and the sprints are 80m and 60m. My favourite event is High jump because I like to Jump over things sometimes.

I came 3rd in high jump and 2nd in Discus I get to go to Zones. In high jump Alexis came 1st and Charlie Mae came 2nd I of course, like I’ve told you I came 3rd. In discus Charlie Mae came 1st, Me (Lucy) came 2nd and Rayna came 3rd.

What’s your favourite event in athletics?

Thank you for reading and have a great rest of your day/night.


Star Sign/ Zodiac signs

Hello If you don’t know me my name is Lucy and I’m born on the 17 September which means my star sign is a Virgo.  You can be a Virgo if you are born between the 23 Aug- 23 Sep. The other star sign are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces whoa that’s a lot of star signs! Here are some facts about star signs The rarest star sign is Aquarius and the most common zodiac sign is Leo. If I had to change what my zodiac is I would be a Aquarius because  they are advanced, self-reliant, clever, exceptional, and optimistic but I would never want to change my zodiac sign because I love it. Last week our reading was all around Zodiac signs/ Star signs and yes i was very exited about that. Here is what I made all around my sign:

Poetry Writing T3

Hello Everyone. It’s Lucy and today I will be sharing my Writing with you. We have been doing Poetry for the last two weeks, They lasted  for two days each. On Monday -Tuesday I did a Haiku poem. On Wednesday-Thursday I did a Limerick poem. On Friday we did not do any Poetry because on Fridays we don’t do Writing. This Week on Monday – Tuesday We did a Diamante Poem and on Wednesday wasn’t here so I did nothing but everyone else did a Free Verse Poem On Thursday We didn’t do any Writing because we had athletics training and Today Is Friday and we are doing no writing .

Here is my slide with the poems on it:


Do you like Poetry?

Reading W6

For this weeks reading we had to make a fact file  about comets, supernovas or black holes I did mine on black holes I found some really interesting fact if you don’t  know already this is what a black hole looks like.

Here is my fact file.

Thanks for reading my blog post .

Do you like black holes

Netball at Hagley Park W5

Every Thursday Tumu goes to Hagley Park on a bus to do winter sports. I play netball but you can also play hockey, rugby and football/soccer. This week we played against Rowley. They won 2-8 but that is  okay because we will try harder next time.

The best part of the game was our passing  because I felt like we had great teamwork. Something that I need to work on is seeing who to pass to faster because a lot of people are clear but I can see them and I end up passing to the person who is not clear

Next week I want to try and win because it makes me feel great when I win and I love the feeling.

This is what netball looks like.

Do you like netball?

Swimming Term 2

My hub has just finished two weeks of swimming lessons at QEII, I’ve had a great time.


In my last blog post I wanted to use this week to improve on swimming on my side, I have been unsuccessful because we did not do much swimming on our side this week but it’s okay.


This week, we did a lot of water safety skills. Something that I have learnt is that you can use a stick to save someone and this is important because if you’re stuck in somewhere that there is not going to be a floaty that you can throw out to them.  We practised by throwing a pool noodle out to each other in the water and pulling them in you do this instead of jumping in (if you jump in, they might pull you under and you’ll drown).


The thing that I enjoyed the most this week is PJ day because we got to make a whirlpool.


Something that I want to learn next time I have swimming lessons at school is breast stroke because I do it at my actual swimming and I really like it.

What did you finish this week?

Term 3 swimming

This term, most people in our school have swimming for the first two weeks of school. We are having our lessons at QEII. We have gone to QEII before for school swimming.

In previous years when we had swimming lessons at school I enjoyed the last days when we use the life jackets, go under the boat and the day when we wear our PJS to swimming.

Something that I have enjoyed this week is freestyle swimming, It’s easy and fun.

Something that I have found hard this week is lying on my side and swimming.

Something that I want to improve on next week is not looking up to see how far I am. 

Do you like to swim?

Week 9 writing

For the past two weeks we have been writing a persuasive adverb about a made up product me and my buddy (Ava) chose to do biodegradable  wooden headbands with no spikes here is my persuasive adverb/ad



Helpful headbands

Are you tired of your kids complaining about their Itchy heads from those plastic headbands?


Don’t wait, buy one now for super cheap prices.


Super band
We have no spikes so no cries.


No breaking bands

Do your headbands not suit any outfits? Well our eco bands can clip colourful clips on and of your headband. Stylish. 


Say goodbye to silly spikes.

“Hi I’m Ella I love my eco bands I have a whole colourful collection of them! I love how they don’t have any silly spikes. Mine have never broken in the two years of me having them, which is the best part!”


Do one thing, Make one difference, Save one life.

Shop in store or online at

Vertical farming

If you think all farms are outside you would be wrong,Vertical is indoor local farming. What I mean by local is that most farms live far away from supermarkets and food stores but vertical farms are close by to food stores so they can drop it of quick. but there are some downs sides to this amazing farming system if you were to buy one of these building it would cost you a whopping $5.5 billion. That’s lot’s. So would you start using this way of farming?


For the last four weeks of term 2 we have been learning about Statistics.

“What is Statistics” Well Statistics is like Data and graphs which you use to see which is the most popular you can use tally marks to see the highest number of people that voted for one thing.

Some things I know about Statistics is that you use tally marks to see what the most popular and least popular oppions are.

I am looking forward to learning more about Statistics.

I’ll be back in Week 9 to let you know how I am getting on with my goals and the new things I have learned